Process Discovery Service
Unlock the True Potential of Your Business Operations with Comprehensive Process Modelling 

At Negmax Industrial Innovations Inc., our Process Discovery Service is a crucial first step towards achieving operational excellence. It involves an in-depth examination and documentation of your current processes - an 'AS-IS' model - to reveal where value is created for your customers and how improvements can be realized.

What is the Negmax "Process Discovery" service?

Working collaboratively with your team, we use advanced business modelling tools to uncover critical details about your current operations. The goal is to predict the value and impact of potential improvements by comparing the 'AS-IS' and 'TO-BE' scenarios. By doing so, we can identify low-hanging fruit, optimize solutions, and ensure the business value of proposed changes is aligned with your objectives.

Why is BPMN 2.0 the ideal choice for modelling your process?

BPMN 2.0 is a globally recognized and easily integrated standard for business process modelling. It's the latest version (2.0.2) has been formally published as the 2013 edition standard: ISO/IEC 19510.

Whether you're planning an improvement project or not, modelling your processes with BPMN 2.0 can bring many proven benefits to your business, including enhanced clarity, process optimization, and greater efficiency.

Why is 'AS-IS' modelling critical before every improvement project?

An accurate 'AS-IS' model is essential for the following reasons:

How to get started with this service?

Book the free 30 minutes introductory meeting so we can discuss your business and see how we can help you!